Seminaire Wallace Collection 2023

Intensive short programs and summer school

In partnership with numerous institutions, the Ecole du Louvre organises intensive short programs each year, both in France and abroad, intended for students at the school, students from partner universities, and young professionals.
A summer school is organised with Peking University in China, to welcome and send students from both establishments.
These encourage meetings and exchanges around specific study issues and constitute an excellent opportunity for students to expand their network in a more informal setting.
Participants earn study credits or certificates, depending on partnership agreements.

Short programs

The Ecole du Louvre, in partnership with the University of Naples Frederico II, offers a seminar organised between Paris and Naples designed to study the relationships between archaeology and museology.



The Ecole du Louvre has joined forces with the University of Naples Federico II to offer a seminar in French, English and Italian, bringing together pupils and students from both institutions. Organised between Paris and Naples, the seminar is based on the complementarity between specialist interventions and field visits including, in Naples, the National Archaeological Museum of Naples, the Archaeological Museum of the Phlegrean Fields, the Herculanense Museum, the sites of Pompeii, Velia, Paestum or Rione Terra; and in Paris, the National Archaeology Museum of St-Germain-en Laye, the Museum of Man, and the Museum of the National Library of France or Inrap.

The objective of the seminar is to study the relationships between archaeology and museology according to the most recent disciplinary and methodological orientations. The seminar thus offers participants the opportunity to reflect on archaeology as a cognitive process, analysis and interpretation, data storage, and digital management of archaeological documents. The seminar also addresses the issues of conservation, exhibition and mediation of archaeological sites and collections: protecting, exposing and understanding the challenges of archaeological sites and museums.

  • Target audience: students from the Ecole du Louvre and from the partner university
  • 2023 theme: Reading and transmitting the past: archaeology and museology (download the programme)
  • 2024 theme: To be determined
  • Locations: Paris, Naples
  • Dates: end of May 2024



[email protected]

The seminar “Exhibiting the archaeological object” (“Exposer l’objet archeologique”) is organised by the Ecole du Louvre and the Ecole Francaise d’Athenes, a French school located in Macedonia (Northern Greece).

The last day of the seminar takes place at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and gives students the opportunity to present an assessment of the seminar and the meetings of the week.

Coordination: Laurianne Martinez-Sève, director of Ancient and Byzantine studies, Ecole Francaise d’Athenes.

Visit and meeting locations: Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki; Museum of Byzantine Culture Thessaloniki; Vergina (Museum of the Royal Tombs of Aigai); Archaeological Museum of Serres; Kasta Tomb and Archaeological Museum of Amphipolis; Folklore Museum and Archive of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

  • Target audience: Ecole du Louvre students
  • Date: May
  • Duration: 1 week
  • Location: Greece

The Ecole du Louvre organises a seminar on the history of decorative arts between the 17th and 19th centurieswith the MAD Paris (Museum of Decorative Arts), the Wallace Collection (London), the Victoria & Albert Museum (London) and the University of Lille.



Backed by the “Decorative Arts” course of the art history master’s degree at the University of Lille directed by Patrick Michel, this seminar benefits from a partnership with two prestigious museum institutions, the Wallace collection (London), and the MAD Paris (Museum of Decorative Arts). Taught in English and French, it allows Ecole du Louvre students enrolled in the first year of the second cycle to benefit from theoretical teaching. but also from practical and technical teaching as close as possible to the collections and works, with a day at the MAD and two days in situ and hands on at the Wallace collection.

  • Target audience: students from the Ecole du Louvre and partner universities.
  • 2023 theme: download the 2023 programme
  • Dates: Three days in March
  • Locations: Paris, London



[email protected]

The Ecole du Louvre and the Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti (Venice, Italy) each year organise a joint seminar on particular aspects of Venetian art preserved in Veneto or in foreign collections.


This annual seminar is the result of close collaboration between the Ecole du Louvre and the Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. It is aimed at second and third-cycle students from French and foreign universities and schools. It is delivered in French and Italian. A good understanding of both languages is essential.

Each session includes lectures from internationally renowned specialists and illustrative conference visits led by conservators or professors.

The active participation of students is encouraged through monographic presentations of works during the visits. A bibliography and methodological instructions are provided to participants upon registration.

Target audience: students from the Ecole du Louvre and French and foreign universities and schools



[email protected]


Ogni anno, l'École du Louvre e l'Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti (Venezia, Italia) organizzano un seminario congiunto su aspetti particolari dell'arte veneta conservata in Veneto o in collezioni straniere.


Questo seminario annuale è il risultato di una stretta collaborazione tra l'Ecole du Louvre e l'Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. Si rivolge agli studenti laureati e agli dottorandi delle università (e delle scuole avanzate) francesi, italiane e straniere. Si svolge in francese e in italiano. È indispensabile una buona comprensione di entrambe le lingue.


Ogni sessione prevede conferenze di specialisti di fama internazionale e visite illustrative guidate da curatori o professori.

La partecipazione attiva degli studenti è incoraggiata da presentazioni di opere o di temi durante le visite. Una bibliografia e istruzioni metodologiche sono fornite ai partecipanti al momento dell'iscrizione.


- Pubblico interessato : studenti dell'École du Louvre e di università francesi, italiane e straniere (Laurea magistrale e Dottorandi).

- Tema 2024 : Venezia e il collezionismo (scarica il poster 2024)

- Lingue: francese e italiano

- Data: dal 27 giugno al 3 luglio 2024

- Luogo: Venezia

- Termine di iscrizione: 8 aprile 2024

- Per iscriversi, si prega di utilizzare il seguente modulo: Domanda di partecipazione al Seminario di Storia dell'Arte Veneziana 2024.



[email protected]

The Ecole du Louvre and the University of Neuchâtel organise a joint seminar on the history of museology every year in Switzerland.



Aimed at students from the Ecole du Louvre enrolled in the second year of the second cycle (Museology research course) and students from the Swiss university, this seminar takes place each year in Neuchâtel.

Devoted to the history of museology, each session includes lectures and practical work in local museums.

  • Target audience: Ecole du Louvre students
  • 2023 theme: Spoliation - Restitution – Provenance research
  • Dates: December


[email protected]

The Ecole du Louvre and the University of Montreal offer two museology seminars in France and Canada for students from both institutions.



The partnership between the Ecole du Louvre and the University of Montreal aims to offer a Canadian museology seminar, organised in Montreal for students of the Ecole du Louvre, and a French museology seminar, organised in Paris for students from the University of Montreal.


Canadian museology seminar

Aimed at second-cycle Ecole du Louvre students, this Canadian museology seminar takes place each year in Montreal.
Students participate in the applied research programme in museology, carried out jointly by the university and several heritage establishments in Montreal.

This seminar is supported by the Office franco-Québécois pour la Jeunesse  (OFQJ).

  • Target audience: Ecole du Louvre students
  • Location: Montreal
  • Dates: June to August


French museology seminar
A course called “French Museology” is offered to students enrolled in the museology master’s degree at the University of Montreal and the University of Quebec in Montreal.
They benefit from an overview of French museology and heritage characteristics, through a significant number of meetings with heritage officials, visits to institutions or services presenting museology specificities.

  • Target audience: students from partner universities
  • Location: Paris
  • Dates: October



[email protected]

Summer school

As part of the exchange program between Peking University and the École du Louvre, French students travel to China for a summer program introducing them to Chinese culture and civilization.  


  • Target group: École du Louvre students
  • Dates: July (3 weeks)
  • Location: Beijing, China



[email protected]


International relations department

Flore Wing, 2nd floor. Offices F08, F09, F11.

Students can attend (without appointment)

  • Tuesday: 2pm – 5pm.
  • Thursday: 2pm – 5pm.

All information is available online. Please do consult our web pages or email us with any questions: [email protected]