
L'Association de l'École du Louvre and École du Louvre Alumni
Since 1935, the Association de l'École du Louvre has acted as an intermediary between auditors, students and former graduates.
It offers auditors lecture-visits linked to current museum events and organizes cultural trips in France and abroad, accompanied by curators and professors from the École du Louvre in direct connection with the teaching provided.
It participates directly in the life of the École with students, when awarding the annual prize and organizing "student trips" for specialty courses.
Through its "École du Louvre alumni" network, the Association sets up events and activities reserved for École graduates.
- Link to the introduction form
- Site: www.association-ecoledulouvre.fr
- Email: [email protected]
- Tel: 01 55 35 18 92
- Instagram École du Louvre alumni

École du Louvre student office
Created on the initiative of students in 1991 and renewed in 2006, the BDE strengthens student dynamics through a variety of activities: integration week and trip, shows, exhibitions, conferences, parties, afterworks and end-of-year gala.
It is made up of an office and a board of directors, as well as three divisions (Culture, Event and Communication)
The BDE supports student-led initiatives through its constituent clubs:
- Louvr'boite (student newspaper)
- Chorale
- Ciné-club
- Club Théâtre
- Archéo-Club
- Le Défilé de l'Histoire
- Mauvais genre(s) (LGBTQI+ club)
- Mens Sana (AMAP)
- Calliope (eloquence club)
- Club photo
- Club Jeux
- Art-Thémis (feminist club)
- Orchestra
- Art Market École du Louvre
- Experience club (drawing club)
- Email: [email protected]
- Tel: 01 42 96 58 13

École du Louvre Junior Conseil
La Junior-entreprise de l'École du Louvre
Participating in the life of the École while developing students' professional skills is the aim of a Junior-entreprise.
It offers:
- teamwork and contact with students from all cycles,
- remunerated study by applying the teaching provided at the École,
- developing professional experience in different fields,
- acquiring new skills,
- developing a real professional network.
Fields of intervention:
- studies of audiences and museographic systems,
- design of support materials and setting up tours,
- documentation and compilation of files on works, monuments and collections,
- inventories and recommendations in preventive conservation...
- Site: ecoledulouvrejuniorconseil.com
- Email: [email protected]
- Tel: 01 55 35 18 31

École du Louvre Sports Association
Fostering the practice of sports within the École du Louvre.
She offers:
- Volleyball
- Running
- Cheerleading
- Rock-latin dance
- Badminton
- Yoga
- Equitation
- and many more....
- Email: [email protected]
- Tel: 01 42 96 58 13