Étudiants dans un amphithéâtre


The École du Louvre offers its students a wide range of educational partnerships with establishments in France and abroad.


Students at the École du Louvre can opt for a wide range of partnerships, including two double degrees, semesters or years of exchange abroad (Erasmus + program), doctoral co-supervision with French and foreign universities, as well as many other teaching partnerships.

National partnerships

In collaboration with the Conseil des maisons de vente, the École du Louvre provides the four weeks of theoretical and practical training scheduled for each of the two years of professional internship preceding the profession's qualifying examination.

This training, comprising three weeks of lectures and one week of study trips each year, enables students to deepen their knowledge of art history, in areas of creation little covered in a traditional curriculum but often illustrated in the auction room. Lectures given at the École du Louvre are followed by small-group practical work in various museums, galleries or cultural establishments.


  • Admission requirements

These courses are exclusively reserved for trainee auctioneers after passing the course access exam held each September.


  • Information and contact

Tel :

The Conseil des maisons de vente website

Offer made to École du Louvre students

  • Proposed teaching modules
    For second-year graduate students in the "research" course in art history applied to collections, one seminar to choose from a list of courses offered by the ENC. Students undertake to attend Master 2 seminars in accordance with the timetable provided by the Registrar's Office.
  • Registration requirements
    Students choose the seminar when registering for courses at the École du Louvre, and must then register with the ENC secretariat.
  • Evaluation
    To validate the seminar, students must meet the requirements of the seminar leader. 
    This seminar counts as a semester 3 external seminar (compulsory in the curriculum of the second-year graduate course "Research in art history applied to collections" worth 6 ECTS credits.)

[email protected]


Offer to students of the École nationale des chartes

  • Proposed teaching modules
    One undergraduate general art history course (choice of 1re,2e or 3e year) and one undergraduate specialty course (organic course only)
  • Registration requirements
    Ecole des Chartes students register at the beginning of the September term with the EDL undergraduate teaching center. They receive a partner student card that gives them access to the École du Louvre, the library and various museums.
  • Evaluation
    No evaluation

[email protected]

Offer made to students at the School

  • Teaching modules offered
    For second-year graduate students on the "research" track and ENSBA post-graduate students, a seminar on "The tumultuous life of contemporary artworks".
  • Registration requirements
    Students choose the seminar when registering for classes at the École du Louvre. ENSBA students register with their secretariat.
  • Evaluation
    To validate the seminar, students must comply with the requirements of the seminar leader, who will assess the seminar on a continuous basis.
    This seminar counts as a 3rd trimester seminar for the École du Louvre (compulsory in the second year of the "Research" course, worth 6 ECTS credits.)

[email protected]


Offer to students of the Ecole nationale des Beaux-Arts de Paris

  • Proposed teaching modules

For students in 3e year: an undergraduate specialty course (organic course only)

For 5e year students: a joint ENSBA/EDL seminar entitled "La critique d'art"

  • Enrollment requirements

EnSBA students enroll at the start of the September academic year with the EDL undergraduate teaching center. They receive a student partner card that gives them access to the École du Louvre, the library and various museums.

  • Evaluation

See ENSBA's education department

[email protected]

Offer made to students of the École du Louvre

  • Proposed teaching modules
    For students in the 2nd year of the 2nd cycle "research" course in art history applied to collections, one seminar to choose from a list of courses proposed by the ENS. Students undertake to attend the Master 2 seminars according to the timetable provided by the Registrar's Office.
  • Registration requirements
    Students choose the seminar when they register for classes at the École du Louvre, and must then register with the ENC secretariat.
  • Evaluation
    To validate a Master 2 seminar, students must meet the requirements of the seminar leader. 
    This seminar counts, for the École du Louvre as a 3rd trimester external seminar (compulsory in the second-year graduate curriculum "Research in art history applied to collections" worth 6 ECTS credits.)

    [email protected]


Offer made to students of the École Normale Supérieure de Paris

  • Proposed teaching modules

Either one Master 1 teaching unit (1st semester) from among the following: 
- History of collections, museums and heritage in Europe;
- Administration and management of heritage and museums;
- Principles of conservation-restoration;
- Introduction to mediation and audiences ;
- Museology, history and foundations;
- Historiography

Either an organic undergraduate specialty course

  • Registration requirements
    Access to an EDL course or ENS seminar is subject to:

a)the written agreement given to the student by the training team of his/her home institution or by the head of this team.

b)the student's acceptance based on the partner institution's capacity to accept students.

ENS students register with the EDL undergraduate teaching pole at the start of the September academic year. They receive a partner student card that gives them access to the École du Louvre, the library and also to various museums.

  • Evaluation

Written exam corresponding to the teaching unit (January) for the 2nd cycle seminar.

3-hour terminal exam for the 1st cycle course.

[email protected]

[email protected]


In addition, a specific agreement allows students from the Ecole Normale Supérieure who have won the ENSPSL entrance examinations and been admitted to the Art department, to enter the third year of the undergraduate course (contact: [email protected])

Offer made to students of the École du Louvre

  • Proposed teaching modules
    For students in the 2nd year of the 2nd cycle "research" course in art history applied to collections, one Master's seminar to choose from the range offered by the IVth section (Historical and philological sciences) of the École Pratique des Hautes Études. Students agree to attend the seminars according to the timetable sent by the Registrar's Office.
  • Registration requirements
    Students choose the seminar when registering for courses at the École du Louvre, and must then register with the EPHE secretariat.
  • Assessment
    To validate a seminar, students must submit to the requirements of the seminar leader, who assesses the seminar on a continuous assessment basis.
    This seminar counts as a semester 3 external seminar (compulsory in the second-year graduate course "Research in art history applied to collections" worth 6 ECTS credits.)

[email protected]

Offer made to students of the School


  • Teaching modules offered

For students in the first or second cycle, a seminar or course in a specialist language or scientific communication or epigraphic documentation.

  • Registration requirements

Students choose the seminar during pedagogical registration at the École du Louvre, then must register with the EPHE secretariat.

  • Evaluation

To validate a seminar, students must submit to the requirements of the seminar leader, who will carry out a continuous assessment.
[email protected]


Offer made to graduate students of the École pratique des hautes études

  • Teaching modules offered

- A second-year graduate seminar to be chosen from the "research" courses in art history applied to collections or museology, from semester 3 (except methodology seminar and external seminars).


- One undergraduate organic specialty course of your choice and one year 1-level TP course, or one epigraphy course (annualized undergraduate course from October to April).

  • Registration requirements

Students register at the start of the academic year in September for a module of their choice from those offered by the partnership, either with the graduate pedagogical hub (graduate seminar) or with the undergraduate pedagogical hub (organic course and TP or epigraphy course).

They receive a partner student card that gives them access to the École du Louvre, the library and also to various museums where some of the teaching may take place.

Module registrations are no longer possible if a third of the sessions have already taken place.

  • Assessment
    To validate a second-year graduate seminar, partner students must submit to the requirements of the seminar leader, who assesses by continuous assessment.
    To validate an undergraduate organic course, students have a 3h terminal exam. The TP course is assessed on a continuous assessment basis.

[email protected]
[email protected]

Offer to École du Louvre students

  • Proposed teaching modules

A seminar, part of the curriculum for students in their second year of graduate studies at the École du Louvre and the initial training of curatorial students at the INP. It proposes an approach to sustainable development applied to heritage. It aims to take stock of practices and theoretical approaches in the field.

  • Registration conditions

Students choose the seminar at the time of pedagogical registration.

  • Assessment

Students must submit to the requirements of the seminar leader, who assesses through continuous assessment.

[email protected]


Offer made to male and female student restorers at INP

  • Teaching modules offered
    An evening introductory course in general art history (annualized course from September to July).
  • Registration requirements
    Students register for the course with the École du Louvre's undergraduate teaching department. Students receive a student partner card that gives them access to the École du Louvre, the library and various museums
  • Evaluation
    There is no evaluation. Only course attendance is taken into account.

[email protected]

Offer made to École students


  • Teaching modules offered
    For first-year graduate and second-year graduate students in the "research" pathway, one of the seminars organized by the research and teaching department of the musée du quai Branly.
  • Registration requirements
    Students choose the seminar when registering for classes at the École du Louvre
  • Evaluation
    To validate a course module, students must meet the requirements of the seminar leader.
    The seminar chosen counts as a semester 3 external seminar (compulsory in the 2nd year 2nd cycle "research" course in art history applied to collections or museology) worth 6 ECTS credits.

[email protected]

Offer made to École students


  • Teaching modules offered

Open to second-year graduate students course A seminar that art history and social and political history, around five themes focused mainly on Versailles, and more generally on the places and expressions of monarchical power.

  • Registration requirements

Registration on selection following submission of an application file.

  • Evaluation

To validate a seminar, students must submit to the requirements of the seminar leader, who will carry out a continuous assessment.

[email protected]

  • Teaching modules offered
    For second-year graduate students on the "research" path in art history applied to collections, an "Art and Society" seminar offered by SciencesPo.
  • Registration requirements
    Students choose the seminar when registering for classes at the École du Louvre.
  • Evaluation
    To validate this seminar, students must submit to the requirements of the seminar leader.
    This seminar counts as a semester 3 external seminar (compulsory in the curriculum of the second-year graduate course "Research in art history applied to collections" worth 6 ECTS credits.)

[email protected]

In addition, a double degree exists between the École du Louvre and Science Po.

Offer made to École du Louvre students

  • Proposed teaching modules
    First-year graduate students are offered the choice of following, in the ESSEC Grande École program (in the 3rd trimester):
    - One course replacing the S2 complementary seminar
    - Three courses replacing the two dominant seminars and the S2 complementary seminar.
  • Enrollment requirements
    Students wishing to take part in the course exchange program with ESSEC must complete an application form in October. Selection criteria: 
    - Motivation, 
    - Match between the applicant's interests and current work or research,
    - Initial training and academic level.
  • Evaluation
    Each course is subject to attendance and examination in accordance with the study regulations in force at the host institution. Validation will result in the award of credits corresponding to the program followed.

[email protected]


Offer made to ESSEC students (MSc program)

  • Teaching modules offered
    ESSEC students enrolled in the MSc program have the opportunity to take three courses or seminars from the École du Louvre graduate program (with the exception of research groups, museography seminars, methodology seminars and partner institution seminars). 
    In addition to these courses, students attend a TDO group (10 2-hour sessions) offered to École du Louvre auditors.
  • Enrollment requirements
    ESSEC students interested in this program must first - during the Bachelor year - have attended the prerequisite year (Initiation to Art History course at the Rachel Boyer Foundation). They must then apply to the ESSEC National Partnerships Manager.
  • Evaluation
    Students are subject to the evaluation methods and rules in force at the École du Louvre, including the obligation to attend classes regularly. Their results are communicated to ESSEC by the Education Department.

[email protected]

In addition, a double diploma exists between the École du Louvre and Essec.

Offer to École du Louvre students

  • Proposed teaching modules

- For undergraduates, a Latin epigraphy course (undergraduate course, 1 level only) offered by the University.

- For second-year graduate students in the "art history research applied to collections" pathway, one seminar from the list offered as part of the Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne master's degree in archaeology.


  • Registration requirements
    For the epigraphy course, students register with the pedagogical pole, the EDL, and then with the UFR secretariat. They must be enrolled in an archaeology specialty course. For graduate students, the choice is made during pedagogical registration.


  • Evaluation
    To validate the epigraphy course, students must submit to the university's examination procedures.
    This seminar counts, for the École du Louvre, as an optional complementary course.

To validate the master's seminar, students must submit to the requirements of the seminar leader


Offer made to University students

  • Teaching modules offered
    For University Paris 1 master's level students in "History and Anthropology of Antiquity (Assyriology)", a Sumerian epigraphy course from the École du Louvre.


  • Registration requirements
    Students register with the University at the start of the September term, then with the École du Louvre's undergraduate teaching center.
    They receive a partner student card that gives them access to the École du Louvre, the library and also to various museums.


  • Assessment
    To validate the course, partner students must comply with the requirements of the course leader, who carries out continuous assessment.

[email protected]

Offer to École du Louvre students

  • Proposed teaching modules
    First-year graduate students at the École du Louvre have the opportunity to take one of the following seminars within the Master "Lettres, langues, sciences humaines et sociales", majoring in "Etudes anglophones" at Université Denis Diderot, Paris 
    - "Introduction to the history of painting in Great Britain"
    - "Introduction to the history of images in the United States"
    - "Art and society in Great Britain: history of art institutions"
    - "Genre and image practice in the United States"


  • Registration requirements
    Students choose the seminar during pedagogical registration at the École du Louvre, then must register with the University secretariat.


  • Evaluation
    To validate a Master's seminar, students must submit to the requirements of the seminar leader, who will carry out a continuous assessment.
    The seminar taken counts as a complementary seminar in semester 2, worth 3 ECTS credits in the first-year graduate curriculum (note that the seminar may take place during semester 1).

[email protected]


Offer made to Paris-Cité students

  • Teaching modules offered
    For students at Paris-Diderot University, master's degree in "Lettres, langues, sciences humaines et sociales", mention "Etudes anglophones",
    - one course module from the first semester of the first year of the second cycle, your choice of: "Art history, diachronic subject" or "History of collections and museums in Europe"
    - or an organic undergraduate course of your choice and corresponding first-year-level TP (annualized undergraduate course from October to April).


  • Enrollment requirements
    Students enroll at the start of the new academic year in September with the undergraduate teaching center for a module of their choice from those offered by the partnership.
    They receive a partner student card that gives them access to the École du Louvre, the library and various museums.


  • Evaluation
    To validate a first-year graduate seminar, partner students must sit a final exam in January.
    To validate an undergraduate organic course, students sit a final exam in May. The TP course is assessed by continuous assessment.

[email protected]

Offer to École du Louvre students

  • Proposed teaching modules
    For second-year graduate students in the "research in art history applied to collections" pathway, 1 seminar from the fundamental Master 1 and Master 2 seminars in the History of Art and Archaeology fields.


  • Registration requirements
    Students choose the seminar when registering for classes at the École du Louvre, and must then register with the University secretariat.


  • Evaluation
    To validate a Master 2 seminar, students must comply with the requirements of the seminar leader, who assesses the seminar on a continuous assessment basis.
    For the École du Louvre, this seminar counts as a semester 3 external seminar (compulsory in the curriculum of the second year of the second cycle "Research" course in art history applied to collections" worth 6 ECTS credits.)

    [email protected]

Offered to students of the University of Paris-Nanterre

  • Proposed teaching modules
    For Master 2 "History of Art and Archaeology" students, a seminar in the second year of the 2nd cycle "Research" pathway in art history applied to collections (except methodological seminar and external seminar).


  • Enrollment requirements
    Students enroll at the start of the new academic year in September with the 2nd cycle teaching center for a module of their choice from those offered by the partnership.
    They receive a partner student card which gives them access to the École du Louvre, the library and also to various museums where part of the teaching may take place.
    Registrations to modules are no longer possible if a third of the sessions have already taken place.


  • Assessment
    To validate a second-year graduate seminar, partner students must submit to the requirements of the seminar leader, who carries out a continuous assessment.

[email protected]


In addition, in collaboration with the Musée Rodin and the C2RMF, the École du Louvre participates in the "History of Art and Preparation for Restoration" degree course at the University of Paris Nanterre. The aim is to provide students with the teaching they need to prepare for competitive examinations to become heritage restorers.

Contact: [email protected]

Find out more: https://prepa-concours-restaurateur.fr/

Offer to École du Louvre students


  • Proposed teaching modules
    For second-year graduate students in the "research" pathway in art history applied to collections, a seminar from the "Art History and Archaeology" research Master's program according to a list drawn up by the University.
  • Registration requirements
    Students choose the seminar when registering for classes at the École du Louvre, and then register with the University secretariat.
  • Assessment
    To validate a Master 2 seminar, students must meet the requirements of the seminar leader, who assesses the seminar on a continuous basis.
    This seminar counts as a semester 3 external seminar (compulsory in the curriculum of the second-year graduate course "Research in art history applied to collections" worth 6 ECTS credits.)

[email protected]


Offer made to Sorbonne University students

  • Teaching modules offered
    - For Master 1 "History of Art and Archaeology" students, an organic course of their choice and a corresponding TP course at 1st year level or an epigraphy course (annualized undergraduate course from October to April).
    - For Master 2 "History of Art and Archaeology" students, an organic course of their choice and corresponding 1st-year level TP or an epigraphy course (annualized undergraduate course from October to April)

or a second-year graduate seminar from the "research" pathway in art history applied to collections (except methodological seminar and external seminars).

  • Registration requirements
    Students register at the start of the academic year in September for a module of their choice from among those offered by the partnership, either with the 2nd cycle pedagogical pole (Master 2 seminar), or with the undergraduate pole (organic course and TP or epigraphy course).
    They receive a partner student card which gives them access to the École du Louvre, the library and also to various museums where some of the teaching may take place.
    To be able to enroll in a graduate module, students must be enrolled in Master 2 at their home institution.
    Module enrollments are no longer possible if a third of the sessions have already taken place.
  • Assessment
    To validate a second-year graduate seminar, partner students must submit to the requirements of the seminar leader, who assesses by continuous assessment.
    To validate an undergraduate organic course or an epigraphy course, students are subject to a final examination in May. The TP course is assessed by continuous assessment.

[email protected]
[email protected]

Offer made to students of the École du Louvre

  • Proposed teaching modules
    For second-year graduate students in the "research" course in art history applied to collections, a seminar from a fundamental teaching unit of the Master's degree in Art History and Archaeology (M1 or M2). (M1 or M2).
  • Registration requirements
    Students choose the seminar when registering for classes at the École du Louvre, then register with the University secretariat.
  • Evaluation
    To validate a Master 2 seminar, students must meet the requirements of the seminar leader, who will assess the seminar on a continuous basis.
    This seminar counts as a semester 3 external seminar (compulsory in the second-year graduate course "Research in art history applied to collections" worth 6 ECTS credits.


Offer to Université de Provence students

  • Proposed teaching modules
    For Master 2 students in art history and archaeology, a seminar from the "research" course in art history applied to collections in the second year of the second cycle.
  • Registration conditions
    Master's students register with the École du Louvre's 2nd cycle teaching center at the start of the September term.
    They receive a partner student card that gives them access to the École du Louvre, the library and also to various museums where some of the teaching may take place.
    Module registrations are no longer possible if one-third of the sessions have already taken place.
  • Evaluation
    To validate a second-year graduate seminar, partner students must submit to the requirements of the seminar leader, who carries out a continuous assessment.

[email protected]

Offer to École du Louvre students


  • Teaching modules offered
    The first-semester seminars in the Master 2 History of Art program at the Université de Bordeaux-Montaigne are open to 2nd-year graduate students, subject to availability.
  • Registration requirements
    Students choose the seminar during pedagogical registration at the École du Louvre, then must register with the department secretariat.
  • Evaluation
    To validate a Master 2 seminar, students must submit to the requirements of the seminar leader, who assesses the seminar on a continuous assessment basis.
    This seminar counts as a semester 3 external seminar (compulsory in the second-year graduate course "Research in art history applied to collections" worth 6 ECTS credits.

    [email protected]


Offer to students at Bordeaux Montaigne University

  • Proposed teaching modules
    For students in the Master 2 research course in art history, a seminar in the "research" course in art history applied to collections in the second year of the second cycle.
  • Registration requirements
    Master's students register at the beginning of the September academic year with the École du Louvre's 2nd cycle teaching center.
    They receive a student partner card which gives them access to the École du Louvre, the library and also to various museums where some of the teaching may take place.
    Registration for modules is no longer possible if a third of the sessions have already taken place.
  • Assessment
    To validate a second-year graduate seminar, partner students must submit to the requirements of the seminar leader, who will carry out a continuous assessment.

[email protected]

Offer to École du Louvre students

  • Proposed teaching modules
    For second-year graduate students in the "research" path in museology, a seminar from the Master 2 program "History, aesthetics and sociology of cultural mediation" offered by the university.
  • Registration requirements
    Students choose the seminar when registering for classes at the École du Louvre.
  • Evaluation
    To validate a Master 2 seminar, students must submit to the requirements of the seminar leader, who will carry out a continuous assessment.
    This seminar counts as a semester 3 external seminar (compulsory in the curriculum of the second year of the "Research in Museology" course worth 6 ECTS credits.)


Offer made to University students

  • Proposed teaching modules
    For Master 2 "History, aesthetics and sociology of cultural mediation" students, a seminar of their choice from the École du Louvre graduate program (contact the graduate teaching pole.)


  • Registration conditions
    Students register at the start of the academic year in September with the 2nd cycle teaching center.
    They receive a partner student card which gives them access to the École du Louvre, the library and also to various museums.


  • Evaluation
    To validate a second-year graduate seminar, partner students must submit to the requirements of the seminar leader, who carries out a continuous assessment.

[email protected]

Common seminar École du Louvre - Université de Strasbourg

  • Proposed teaching modules
    Establishment of an associated seminar in the first year of the second cycle, "L'art nouveau dans la France de l'est" (3 Saturdays in the academic year).


  • Enrollment requirements
    Students choose the seminar when registering for classes at the École du Louvre.
    Students must be regularly enrolled in graduate studies at their home institution.


  • Evaluation
    To validate the seminar, students must comply with the requirements of the seminar leader, who assesses the seminar on a continuous assessment basis.
    For the École du Louvre, this seminar counts as a complementary semester 2 seminar (compulsory in the first-year graduate curriculum) worth 3 ECTS credits.

[email protected]

Offer made to students of the School


  • Teaching modules offered

Courses in nahualt, Mayan epigraphy, quechua

  • Registration requirements

Be enrolled in the "Arts of the Americas" specialty course, registration with the École du Louvre AND INALCO teaching hubs.

  • Evaluation

Students must submit to the evaluation procedures defined by the course leader.


Offer made to Inalco students


  • Teaching modules offered

One organic specialty course "Arts of the Americas" and the corresponding TP course at 1st year

  • Enrollment requirements

Students enrolled in the Maya and Nahuatl degrees of INALCO's Department of the Americas

  • Evaluation

To validate an undergraduate organic course, students take a 3-hour final exam in May. The TP course is assessed by continuous assessment.


[email protected]

Offer made to students of the School


  • Teaching modules offered

The ENS Louis-Lumière welcomes EDL students for two sessions of the "graphic arts" seminar coordinated by Madame Natalie Coural in the 1st year of the 2nd cycle at the EDL. The sessions are taught by a teacher from ENS Louis-Lumière.

The ENS Louis-Lumière can welcome, on advance request, students from the "History of Cinema" and "History of Photography" speciality courses for a visit to the Cité du cinéma


Offer made to ENS Lumière students


  • Teaching modules offered

The EDL opens up to two master's students at the ENS-Lumière, photography specialization, three teaching units in the first semester of the 1st year of the 2nd cycle: UE2 Administration et gestion des musées et du patrimoine, UE3 Principes de conservation-restauration, UE4 Introduction à la médiation et aux publics.

  • Assessment

The assessment of shared courses is carried out by the head of the relevant UE. Validation of prior learning (ECTS, coefficients) remains the responsibility of the institution awarding the diploma, in accordance with the provisions in force at that institution. Each ENS Louis-Lumière student must validate the three (3) UEs taken.


[email protected]

Vue planète terre depuis espace

International partnerships

The mobility map allows you to view all the agreements that the École du Louvre has signed with institutions abroad.