Admission by equivalence
Applications for admission by equivalence may be made by students from French or foreign universities or higher education establishments.
Applications must be submitted online via the dematerialized application form accessible by clicking here .
The form is accessible between April 15 and May 31 inclusive.
Selection criteria:
The tuition committee assesses the quality of applications, taking into account all of the following criteria:
- the content of the courses taken and in particular the proportion of art history, archaeology and anthropology;
- the suitability of the proposed course of study for the applicant's previous career;
- the excellence of the applicant's academic results;
- the applicant's motivation. The letter of motivation, one page long, must be detailed and well-argued and must specify the candidate's project;
- the number of places available.
- Undergraduate registration fee (2023-2024): 438 euros.
- Second-cycle registration fee (2023-2024): 633 euros.
Special fee for trainees in formation continue
Download the information sheet
Further information on equivalence
Students holding a degree in museology, art history or archaeology from French or foreign universities may apply for entry to the École du Louvre, subject to certain conditions.
Any application for entry by equivalence is subject to validation by the Schooling Commission.
The Schooling Commission comprises:
- the Director of the School;
- the School's Director of Studies;
- the Head of the Schooling Department;
- three professors and one outside personality appointed from among its members by the Board of Studies and Research.
Convened by the Director of the École, the Schooling Commission examines requests for equivalence submitted by students holding diplomas awarded in France or abroad by other higher education establishments. It reports on its activities to the Board of Studies and Research. The decisions of the tuition committee are sovereign and cannot be appealed.
The online application form is available from mid-April.
More information about entering first cycle
More information about entering second cycle
More information about entering third cycle
More information about entering preparatory class aux concours de conservateurs du patrimoine
The entire form must be validated before May 31 inclusive, deadline.