Our teaching methods

L'École du regard
At the École du Louvre, the focus is on works of art and objects - from the issues raised by their genesis to their reception and exhibition. Specific attention is therefore paid to the acquisition of methods and fine skills in observation, analysis and contextualization, in order to develop a genuine "intelligence of the eye". The part of the teaching provided in museums, in direct contact with the works and further reinforced by courses in creative techniques or iconography, underpins this learning, a true originality of the École du Louvre's pedagogical model.
Our different methods
Uniquely in the landscape of higher education, general art history courses aim to provide students and free auditors with the keys to a history of art without chronological or topographical limits, enabling them to tackle the cultural productions of all societies.
Taught at the École du Louvre since 1927, museology is one of the school's historical hallmarks. Introduced in the first cycle, it is at the heart of the second cycle. Students then master all the fundamentals: history and theories, law and management of cultural institutions, politics and sociology of the public, mediation, principles of conservation-restoration, management.
As a place of convergence for reflections and research produced "from within" by museum professionals on their own practice, the École du Louvre is also committed to maintaining a role of attentive and critical observer in the face of changes in museum institutions in order to prepare its students for contemporary challenges.
The uniqueness of the École du Louvre's pedagogical model compared to other art history, archaeology or museology programs lies in the specificity and mix of its teaching staff, made up partly of curators and heritage professionals, and partly of teacher-researchers and researchers. The School's ability to design training programs that meet proven professional needs is due, in large part, to the links it has maintained, since its creation, with museums, the art world and the professionals who run them.
The École du Louvre supports the success of all its students by implementing appropriate teaching methods and deploying support and follow-up mechanisms. At every stage of their training, they benefit from small classes - tutorials in front of the works, practical work, tutoring, research groups, seminars - which ensure effective pedagogical dialogue and reinforced methodological supervision.
Training quality and professional integration are constant concerns. The École du Louvre therefore puts all its assets on its students' side, preparing them to be competitive, ensuring the relevance of the professionalizing dimensions of their training, informing them of employment opportunities in the regions, Europe and internationally, and encouraging them to broaden their field of prospection, both through internships and through daring first associative or professionalizing experiences.
A word from the director
L'École du Louvre fait de l’innovation pédagogique un levier de la réussite de ses élèves. Dans le cadre d’un dialogue constant avec les élèves et les enseignants, nous menons une réflexion constante sur la modernisation de notre pédagogie et les potentialités ouvertes par les technologies numériques pour enrichir les environnements de travail des élèves, favoriser le travail de groupe ou l’interactivité des enseignements.