Financing your education: scholarships and financial aid
- Introduction
- Crédit Agricole Île-de-France patronage grants for Ile-de-France heritage
- The Simone and Cino Del Duca Foundation at the Institut de France
- Antoine de Galbert Foundation
- The Academy of Fine Arts
- Etrillard Foundation
- Meyer Foundation life scholarships for cultural and artistic development
- La France Mutualiste Foundation "Military heritage and archaeology" life grants
- Louis Le Masson and François Masson Foundation life scholarships
- Bourses de vie Art Basel Paris +
- Clarence Westbury Foundation Life Scholarships
- Financial aid
In addition to traditional scholarships, for which some École du Louvre students are eligible, there are a number of other scholarships and financial aid packages dedicated specifically to the École du Louvre's fields of specialization (heritage, art, archaeology,...).
Applications for grants based on social criteria are made via the dossier social étudiant (DES) on the Crous website of the Académie to which the student belongs at the time of application. The DES makes it possible to apply, from the same file, for a grant on social criteria and accommodation in a university residence.
The DES must be made up each year at the same time (January 15-April 30) without waiting for exam results.
Bursaries are paid directly by the Crous.
The continuation of the scholarship is subject to conditions of progress, course attendance and presence at exams. Failure to comply with any of these obligations may result in the repayment of sums received.
In the event of interruption of studies during the school year, the scholarship student is required to inform the École du Louvre.
Students receiving a scholarship based on social criteria are exempt from paying tuition fees. Students who have applied for a bursary are temporarily exempt from fees while awaiting the final bursary award decision. Students who have not been awarded a scholarship will be called before the end of the first term to pay registration fees.
Students on scholarship are also exempt from Social Security fees.
School students are eligible for one-off emergency assistance and specific annual assistance (ASAA) managed by the Crous.
ASAA are allocated, under certain conditions to students in difficulty who do not meet the criteria for social criteria grants.

Crédit Agricole Île-de-France patronage grants for Ile-de-France heritage
The 2 missions of Crédit Agricole d'Île-de-France Mécénat are the preservation of the Île-de-France heritage and the support of young talents of excellence.
In 2022, Crédit Agricole d'Île-de-France Mécénat becomes a patron of the École du Louvre by offering each year for three years, four scholarships to four Master 1 students working on the Île-de-France heritage. The aim is to support students with a profile of excellence who need it most, while promoting research and the enhancement of Île-de-France's heritage.

The Simone and Cino Del Duca Foundation at the Institut de France
Created in 1975 by Simone Del Duca in tribute to her husband, patron of the arts and major newspaper publisher, the Simone and Cino Del Duca Foundation, has been housed at the Institut de France since 2005. Its aim is to promote the arts, letters and sciences in France and abroad.
Since 2022, the Foundation has supported three Ecole du Louvre students specializing in "History of Cinema" with a scholarship, enabling them to devote themselves fully to their studies.

Antoine de Galbert Foundation
The Fondation Antoine de Galbert, following the closure of the Maison Rouge, has redirected its patronage activities into different areas, always linked to contemporary art, art history and its players. In 2019, it becomes a patron of the École du Louvre, as part of the development of its postgraduate and research activities.
A first action is set up at the start of the academic year with the granting of research and mobility scholarships, to offer doctoral students conditions conducive to the conduct, completion and success of their work. Thus, following examination of applications, several students have been selected each year for the originality and quality of their work in art history and museology, to benefit from this exceptional support.
At the same time, sensitive to the situation of students since the pandemic, the Foundation has been funding living scholarships for 1st-year students since the 2020-2021 academic year.

The Academy of Fine Arts
The Académie des beaux-arts is one of the five academies that make up the Institut de France otherwise made up of the Académie française, the Académie des Sciences, the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres and the Académie des Sciences morales et politiques. Its mission is to "Contribute to the defense and illustration of France's artistic heritage, as well as to its development, while respecting the pluralism of expression".
In order to fulfill its mission of supporting creation, the Académie des Beaux-Arts pursues a patronage policy in a variety of forms in France and abroad: awarding numerous prizes to new and established artists, organizing competitions, financing artistic residencies, and granting aid to artistic projects, events or associations. It also maintains an active policy of partnerships with a large network of cultural institutions and patrons.
Sensitive to the École du Louvre's actions in favor of equal opportunity, such as the opening of the Maison des élèves and the introduction of living bursaries, and in response to the expression of a growing need for financial support for the youngest and most fragile students, the Académie des beaux-arts has offered its support to provide 10 living bursaries, notably to first-year students hosted at the Maison des élèves, for the 2022-2023 academic year. In 2023-2024, the Académie des beaux-arts is renewing this support by offering 5 living scholarships.

Etrillard Foundation
The Fondation Étrillard is a non-profit organization under Swiss law. In accordance with the wishes of its founder, it is active within the canton of Geneva, in Switzerland, and in Europe, principally in France, Italy and Germany, and encourages all charitable and cultural initiatives reconciling European tradition and culture with the contemporary world.
The Foundation has a collection partly accessible to the public, and awards grants to projects for the restoration of historical, civil or religious sites and monuments open to all. It also supports research and musical events contributing to the influence of original musical writing from the Middle Ages to the present day, as well as programs linked to art history and heritage.
The Fondation Étrillard has decided to finance, via the Endowment Fund, life scholarships for 1ster cycle students at the École du Louvre since 2021.
Meyer Foundation life scholarships for cultural and artistic development
The Meyer Foundation for cultural and artistic development was born of the desire of its founders, Philippe Meyer (1925-2007) and Vincent Meyer, to create a perennial philanthropic entity with the ambition of supporting projects in the arts, culture and, more generally, knowledge. A family foundation, it is driven by the desire to allocate its donations in particular to the training of young people, through the granting of scholarships.
As a loyal supporter of the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris and the Bonnard Museum, the Meyer Foundation will become a patron of the École du Louvre in 2020, via its Endowment Fund. Between 2020 and 2023, 10 students selected on the basis of academic and social criteria will receive a life-long scholarship. The Meyer Foundation has decided to renew its support by becoming a patron of the École du Louvre. Aware of the proven usefulness of these scholarships, since 2023 it has provided financial support for 12 students a year.

La France Mutualiste Foundation "Military heritage and archaeology" life grants
The France Mutualiste is a mutual insurance and savings consultancy group that has developed from the outset around veterans, their families and loved ones. Created in 2012, its corporate foundation's mission is to support and develop actions linked to the preservation and transmission of memory, more particularly aimed at younger generations "so that everyone can project themselves into tomorrow without forgetting yesterday".
This is why the Fondation d'entreprise La France Mutualiste has become a patron of the École du Louvre for 3 years, via its Endowment Fund, with the launch of 3 annual scholarships (2020, 2021 and 2022) for students studying military heritage and archaeology in undergraduate or postgraduate courses. Indeed, the École du Louvre has been the only French higher education institution to offer a comprehensive, degree-granting course on the subject since 1980, a curriculum also open to free auditors.
The first recipients of the 3 Fondation d'entreprise La France Mutualiste life scholarships were selected, based on academic and social criteria, in September 2020.
The Fondation d'Entreprise La France Mutualiste has decided to continue its support of the École du Louvre by once again offering 3 scholarships a year to undergraduate and graduate students studying heritage and military archaeology until 2026.
Louis Le Masson and François Masson Foundation life scholarships
Sheltered by the Académie des beaux-arts, the Fondation Louis Le Masson et François Masson was created in 2023 in memory of these two brothers, respectively architect-engineer and sculptor at the end of the XVIIIe century. Its purpose is to support artistic creation and access to culture and art through the award of scholarships, support for researcher residencies and the organization of prizes.
The Fondation Louis Le Masson et François Masson has decided to award two living scholarships for École du Louvre students in financial difficulty during the 2023-2024 academic year.
Bourses de vie Art Basel Paris +
The École du Louvre has been a partner of contemporary creation since 2022, joining forces with Paris + par Art Basel, a major modern and contemporary art fair in Paris, and its public program, which presents a range of works by both emerging and established artists, and engages in a reflection on the place of art in urban space. As part of this event and partnership, an educational mediation exercise is offered to students at the École du Louvre. For the 2023 edition, some thirty works were presented and commented on daily by young art historians from the École du Louvre.
As a continuation of this project and in support of the École du Louvre students, Paris + par Art Basel wished to provide financial assistance by offering two living grants awarded on academic and social criteria, in addition to the educational activities devised in partnership with the École du Louvre.
Clarence Westbury Foundation Life Scholarships
Sponsored by the Fondation de France, the Clarence Westbury Foundation supports projects in various fields of general interest: culture, and more specifically modern and contemporary art, social action as well as medical research.
The Clarence Westbury Foundation was created in 2000 under the aegis of the Fondation de France, at the initiative of Jacques Boissonnas, entrepreneur and art enthusiast. This foundation is part of a strong family tradition of commitment and patronage, particularly in the field of modern and contemporary art, in France and abroad.
Reflecting its founder's attachment to culture and art, the Clarence Westbury Foundation particularly supports modern and contemporary art, and in particular the building of collections within museums dedicated to it. It is also active in the field of social action, supporting the care of vulnerable children and adolescents. Lastly, the foundation funds medical research, paying particular attention to cancer research.
As a patron of the École du Louvre in 2021 via its Endowment Fund, the Clarence Westbury Foundation annually finances living scholarships for first-year students.
Financial aid
Financial aid may be granted on an ad hoc basis to graduate students to partially finance study trips, seminars abroad or compulsory internships.
Students enrolled in graduate and post-graduate programs may receive aid to enable them to pursue their research work in greater depth and to finance any travel involved.
These grants are awarded after examination of the applications by a committee made up of professors, students and representatives of the École du Louvre administration and the Réunion des musées nationaux.
- Form available on the Extranet
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