How to register
How to register
Each transaction can only concern one auditor (no coupled registration).
All registrations are final and cannot give rise to any refund or postponement.
Any registration is equivalent to reserving a place.
All registrations for formation-continue must be subject to a prior request for a quote: [email protected].
Internet registrations
Required elements:
- a valid e-mail address ;
- a recent passport photograph in JPG or PNG format ;
- a valid bank card ;
- a cell phone to receive the authorization SMS (3D Secure payment).
Estimated registration time: 15 minutes
Registration processing time is approximately 5 working days.
Registrations by post
The registration file should be returned to the following address:
Service des auditeurs - Inscriptions
École du Louvre,
Palais du Louvre, Porte Jaujard,
75038 Paris cedex 01
Components of the registration file:
- the completed registration form (to be downloaded from the page of the chosen course, by clicking on "s'inscrire par voie postale");
- a recent passport photograph with first and last name written on the back;
- proof of reduced rate, if applicable;
- payment by cheque of the registration fee.
Checks must be made payable to "Régie École du Louvre" (only checks clearing in France).
Any incomplete application will be returned to sender, with no pre-registration possible.
The processing time for registration is approximately 5 working days.
- less than 26 years old (on 12/31 of the year of the first session of each course): an ID
- between 15 and 18 years old: an ID and a parental authorization signed by a legal representative (attention: auditors must be at least 15 years old on 01/09 of the current year)
- jobseeker: an attestation nominative de demandeur d'emploi dating less than six months
- RSA recipient: an attestation nominative de bénéficiaire du RSA dating less than six months
- AAH recipient: an attestation nominative de bénéficiaire de l'AAH dating less than six months
In fact, to secure your transactions, the School uses the 3D Secure system, which requires the cardholder to have a working cell phone, the number of which has been previously communicated to his or her bank.
Make sure that the authorized payment ceiling is compatible with the amount of the registration fees you will have to pay.

Technical procedures for accessing online courses
Computer requirements for taking an online course
- Recommended equipment: computers (CPU or laptop);
- Operating systems: Mac OS X, Windows and Linux, recommended in their latest version;
- Internet browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge Chromium, recommended in their latest version;
- Internet connection: broadband connection recommended (fiber optic or cable), or failing that ADSL connection with minimum 4Mb/s permanent downstream flow for a single computer;
Computer technical specifications:
- Processor: 2 GHz recommended or more ;
- Memory: 4 GB RAM recommended or more ;
- Video card: 1280x720 in 32-bit recommended or more ;
- Compatible sound card recommended ;
- Available hard disk space: > 1GB ;
- Speakers integrated or not into the computer.
It should be noted that Internet bandwidth consumption may vary depending on the simultaneous use of several software applications from the same computer (cloud file storage service, Internet browsing, software updates...), which must then be paused or stopped in the event of a degradation in the video or audio quality of the online course broadcast. Similarly, the simultaneous use of the same Internet connection by several other computers can have an impact on the quality of the connection and therefore of the online course broadcast. Although a wired connection is recommended, wifi is also an option if reception is good. For mobile Internet connections (cellular data), we recommend at least a 3G+ connection with maximum reception quality. Internet speed is not the only parameter for guaranteeing video and audio quality: the response time (latency) of your Internet connection must be low. The performance of an Internet connection depends on the operator and the technologies used, over which the École du Louvre has no control. It is therefore up to listeners registered online to carry out tests to ensure that their Internet connection is capable of supporting live video broadcasts.