A school for all: health, disability, crous, social protection
Students at the École du Louvre benefit from social security coverage, have access to the student health service, and are eligible for numerous services set up by the Crous. In addition, the entire architectural project has been designed to meet current accessibility standards for people with reduced mobility. All rooms are equipped with magnetic loops.
A Relais scolarité et handicap is responsible for welcoming and monitoring students with disabilities - whether permanent or temporary (fracture, serious illness, etc.). It coordinates all the actions put in place (tutoring, support courses, note-taking, adaptation of documents, accessibility of premises, examinations, third-party time, etc.) in collaboration with the School's various departments and university preventive medicine.
A special welcome:
- Individual welcome, confidentiality, listening
- Identification and assessment of needs
- Information on the assistance offered by the Relais scolarité et handicap
- Awareness of the specificities of the École du Louvre curriculum
- Total accessibility to premises
Each student with a disability can benefit from examination accommodations after consultation with an approved doctor.
Steps to be taken:
Students must make an appointment with an approved doctor, and provide him or her with all the necessary medical information.
- Known and permanent disability: the procedure is carried out as soon as the student registers at the École du Louvre
- Temporary disability: the procedure is carried out as soon as possible
In all cases, the schooling department decides on the accommodations granted, in the light of the doctor's opinion, and notifies its decision to the student and the person in charge of the Relais Scolarité et handicap.
The role of the student health service (SSE) is to organize the prevention of health problems likely to interfere with students' schooling. Students must undergo at least one preventive examination during their first three years of higher education. Students enrolled in the first year of undergraduate studies at the École du Louvre are informed of how to make an appointment via Doctolib for a medical check-up (visiotest, audiotest, health interview...).
Any student at the École du Louvre, whatever their year of study, can be seen, at their request, by a social worker or psychologist.
Make an appointment
The Crous provides several services for École du Louvre students:
- Scholarships based on social criteria,
- housing in university halls of residence,
- access to university restaurants,
- access to socio-cultural services (social services, shows, leisure activities...).
The grant is awarded to student families according to criteria of household income, composition, as well as the geographical distance between home and school.
Amounts vary according to 8 steps (from 0 bis to 7), between €108 and €596 per month (2022-2023 amounts).
This same file is used to apply for student accommodation. Priority is given to students with scholarships, and these accommodations are close to schools and usually have a low rent. Students between the ages of 18 and 30 can also apply for a public guarantee to support their file as a tenant and promote their access to rental accommodation.
The aim of this aid is to support students in meeting the monthly expenses they incur: rent, home insurance, energy bills, food, mutual insurance contributions... It should be remembered that membership of a student mutual insurance scheme is no longer compulsory as of 2019, but remains advisable in order to have full reimbursement of health expenses.
The CVEC is a contribution through which student projects in the fields of health, sport and culture...aimed at improving student life.
It is €100 per year and students must pay it online at MesServices.Etudiants.gouv.fr. The CVEC is payable only once in the case of multiple enrollments.
Exempt from the CVEC are: higher education scholarship holders, refugees, beneficiaries of subsidiary protection and asylum seekers benefiting from the right to remain in France.
The attestation of payment or exemption from the CVEC is an essential supporting document to be provided when the student registers administratively.
- EU or EEA student:
Your EHIC card (European Health Insurance Card) allows you to benefit from French social security without any formalities.
- Foreign student (non-EU) in 2023-2024 (covered by student social security and continuing their studies in 2023-2024):
The foreign student remains affiliated to the same student social security center as in 2022-2023 until August 31, 2024.
No affiliation formalities are required.
No Social Security contributions are payable.
- New foreign student (first enrolment in higher education between September 1, 2023 and August 31, 2024):
Register with the Caisse primaire d'assurance maladie of his/her place of residence.
No Social Security contributions are payable.
A listening line by and for students
The Nightline Paris association offers a listening service run by student volunteers who answer calls and chats at night from 9 pm to 2:30 am. The service is open to all students in Paris, whatever their field of study. Any topic can be discussed freely: loneliness, study-related stress, relationship problems, anxiety linked to the current health context, or simply the latest discovery on Netflix.
Volunteers trained to listen to you
Volunteers receive listening training from other experienced volunteers, enabling them to set aside their judgment, in line with the principles of other listening lines in France and around the world. Volunteers are then monitored and supported throughout their volunteering by professionals, including psychologists with discussion groups and training.
Other free resources for your mental health
Nightline also offers you a interactive directory to make it easier to book an appointment if you'd like to benefit from free psychological support. As a student, you're entitled to access many services free of charge. All you have to do is go to their website and fill in where you live or study, so you can find support close to you.
On their website, you'll also find a kit de vie fun to practice better identifying your emotions, supporting a friend in distress or if you're just curious about the subject of mental health.
Finally, on the association's Nightline Talks page, you'll find plenty of educational content, testimonials and practical info to help you better understand mental health and break the taboos!
If you'd like to find out more about Nightline Paris, its news and services, visit their website and on Instagram.
The École du Louvre is committed to making its internet sites, extranet, online teaching platform, etc. accessible in accordance with article 47 of law no. 2005-102 of February 11, 2005.
To this end, it has overhauled its internet site and will be implementing a multi-year compliance scheme for all its digital projects.
In case of difficulty, please contact [email protected] to be directed to an accessible alternative or obtain the content in another form.