Studying at the École du Louvre
In exchange
General information
Several criteria must be met in order to benefit from an Erasmus+ exchange with the École du Louvre.
1. You must be registered at one of the École's partner universities. Consult the Erasmus+ coordinator at your home institution to find out if this is possible.
2. You must be selected and nominated by your home institution's international relations office at the École ([email protected]).
French language level
You must have a level of French equivalent to DALF B2 (first cycle) or DALF C1 (second cycle) to be able to take courses and exams in French, including foreign language courses.
It is compulsory to take the majority of your courses in your major discipline. It corresponds to the Erasmus+ agreement on which you have been nominated.
To find out which courses are available, consult the following page.
How to apply
Step 1: Before you arrive
After your nomination by your home university, you will receive a link to the registration form sent to you by the École du Louvre's International Relations department.
Step 2: On arrival at the École du Louvre
On arrival at the École du Louvre, you will need to present the following documents:
- Your original identity document.
- The original European Health Insurance Card valid for the duration of your Erasmus+ stay. (If you have private insurance, you must provide a supporting document in English or French).
- Student card and schooling certificate (these will be given to you at the schooling documents handover appointment, the appointment will be communicated by e-mail).
Step 3: Pedagogical registration
After completing steps 1 and 2, École du Louvre will register your final course selection (cf. study contract) by proceeding with your pedagogical registration.
Policy statement for the Erasmus+ program (policy statement) of the Ecole du Louvre 2021-2027
General information
Several criteria must be met in order to benefit from an exchange with the École du Louvre.
1. You must be enrolled at one of the École's partner universities. Consult your home institution's international relations office to find out if this is possible.
2. You must be selected and nominated by your home institution's international relations office to the École ([email protected]).
French language level
You must have a level of French equivalent to DALF B2 (first cycle) or DALF C1 (second cycle) to be able to take courses and exams in French, including foreign language courses.
It is compulsory to take the majority of your courses in your major discipline. It corresponds to the international cooperation agreement on which you have been nominated.
To find out which courses are available, consult the following page.
How to apply
Step 1: Before you arrive
After your nomination by your home university, you will receive a link to the registration form sent to you by the École du Louvre's International Relations department.
Step 2: On arrival at the École du Louvre
On arrival at the École du Louvre, you will need to present the following documents:
- Your original identity document.
- The original European Health Insurance Card valid for the duration of your Erasmus+ stay. (If you have private insurance, you must provide a supporting document in English or French).
- Student card and school certificate (these will be given to you at the school documents handover appointment, the appointment will be communicated by e-mail).
Step 3: Academic registration
After completing steps 1 and 2, École du Louvre will record your final course selection (see study contract) by proceeding with your academic registration.
The deadlines for nominations are:
- May 15, 2024 for candidates for the first semester or academic year 2024/2025.
- Oct 15, 2024 for the second semester 2024/2025.
For more information, refer to the Factsheet downloadable at the bottom of this page.
Admission requirements are identical to those required of applicants of French nationality.
- The entrance exam
- The first cycle
- The second cycle
- The third cycle
You can come to the École du Louvre as an international doctoral student, as part of a thesis co-supervision program or on a doctoral research visit. Find out more about how a cotutelle works, how to apply and funding opportunities by clicking here.
French language proficiency is mandatory:
- Level B2 of the TCF for the first cycle of the École du Louvre
- Level C1 of the TCF for the second cycle of the École du Louvre
Further information: France Education international
Note: for the 2023-2024 academic year, the École du Louvre will apply the same registration fees to French and foreign students, whether of intra- or extra-European origin.
Programs and courses
Joint Master's program with Sorbonne Université. Taught in English.
Designed and taught jointly with Sorbonne Université, the Master's program aims to train Abu Dhabi's future museum professionals. Lasting four semesters, it is the only professional museum training program currently offered in the Gulf States. University professors, museum curators, historians and heritage professionals from the two French higher education institutions have joined forces, in conjunction with the Louvre Museum and Agence France-Museums, to deliver courses on the Sorbonne Abu-Dhabi campus.
During the first two semesters, students receive theoretical training in art history, archaeology, and museology. The third and fourth semesters are more vocational in nature, providing an in-depth insight into the various heritage professions, as presented by specialists.
A three-month internship in a museum or cultural institution in Paris completes the program, encouraging students to put into practice the knowledge they have acquired during their studies and acquire the skills they need to enter the museum and cultural professions.
A three-month application seminar in Paris, held in a museum or cultural institution, completes the training of the students, who are encouraged to put into practice the knowledge acquired during the courses and obtain the skills necessary for their professional insertion in the museum and cultural fields.
The Ecole du Louvre, which plays an active role in teaching the first three semesters in Abu Dhabi, organizes and monitors the fourth semester in conjunction with French museums.
At the end of the program, students receive a diploma from the Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi (SUAD) and a graduate diploma in Museology from the Ecole du Louvre.
More information:
[email protected]
This thematic seminar is geared towards advanced students or young professionals from abroad.
Organised during the summer, the aim is to provide further training in several areas of museology (cultural mediation, exhibitions, conservation and restoration, etc.), including academic teaching modules, round tables, meetings with professionals and researchers, together with visits to sites and museums.
The seminar is conducted in English. In-person.
- 2023 Theme: Museum storage. Multiple space in the heart of the institution (aapplication on line)
August 30 to september 8th, 2023. - Period: August - September (1 week)
- Venue: Paris
- Download the 2023 poster
The École du Louvre and the Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti (Venice, Italy) organize an annual joint seminar on particular aspects of Venetian art preserved in the Veneto or in foreign collections.
This annual seminar is the fruit of a close collaboration between the École du Louvre and the Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. It is aimed at graduate students from French and foreign universities and schools. It takes place in both French and Italian. A good understanding of both languages is essential.
Each session includes lectures by internationally renowned specialists and illustrative lecture-visits led by curators or professors.
Students' active participation is solicited through monographic presentations of works during the visits. A bibliography and methodological instructions are provided to participants upon registration.
- Target audience: students from the École du Louvre and French and foreign universities and schools
- Topic 2024: Venice and Collecting (download the 2025 poster)
- Languages: French and Italian
- Date: June 26 to July 2, 2025
- Location: Venezia è Laguna
- Application deadline: April 13, 2025
- To apply, please use the following form: Application for the Venetian Art History Seminar 2025.
Ogni anno, l'École du Louvre e l'Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti (Venezia, Italia) organizzano un seminario congiunto su aspetti particolari dell'arte veneta conservata in Veneto o in collezioni straniere.
Questo seminario annuale è il risultato di una stretta collaborazione tra l'Ecole du Louvre e l'Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. Si rivolge agli studenti laureati e agli dottorandi delle università (e delle scuole avanzate) francesi, italiane e straniere e giovani curatori professionisti. Si svolge in francese e in italiano. È indispensabile una buona comprensione di entrambe le lingue.
Ogni sessione prevede conferenze di specialisti di fama internazionale e visite illustrative guidate da curatori o professori.
La partecipazione attiva degli studenti è incoraggiata da presentazioni di opere o di temi durante le visite. Una bibliografia e istruzioni metodologiche sono fornite ai partecipanti al momento dell'iscrizione.
- Pubblico interessato : studenti dell'École du Louvre e di università francesi, italiane e straniere (Laurea magistrale e Dottorandi).
- Tema 2025 : Venezia è laguna (scarica il poster 2025)
- Lingue: francese e italiano
- Data: dal 26 giugno al 2 luglio 2025
- Luogo: Venezia
- Termine di iscrizione: 13 aprile 2025
- Per iscriversi, si prega di utilizzare il seguente modulo: Domanda di partecipazione al Seminario di Storia dell'Arte Veneziana 2025.
This Decorative Arts oriented seminar is aimed at Bard Graduate Center students.
The seminar consists in visits on sites and museums and is conducted in English.
Period : May (10 days)
Venue : Paris and Versailles
Contact : [email protected]
This summer program in French museology is aimed at students graduating from the University of St Andrews, University of Essex, Peking University and Columbia University.
Those partnerships formalize the exchange of students for study or research programs. On a reciprocal basis, students from those partner universities attend the three-week Summer School in French Museology at the Ecole du Louvre.
Lectures and visits are conducted in English.
- Time : June (3 weeks)
- Venue : Paris and Versailles.
The Winter School is an intensive educational program is organized in Paris (France) and offered in English.
The Edition 2025 theme is : Provenance Research & Duty to Care
Committed to supporting the French-speaking world, the vast majority of programs at the École du Louvre are in French. However, for several years now, in line with the school's strategy, undergraduate and graduate courses (L3, M1 and M2) have been introduced in English. These are presented in English in the programs proposed below (search for "English" in the document) and are open to both École students and its international students.
Service des Relations internationales
Aile Flore, 2nd floor. Offices F08, F09, F11.
Student reception, in person (no appointment necessary)
- Tuesday : 2:00 pm-5:00 pm
- Thursday : 2:00 pm-5:00 pm
We would also like to remind you that all information is available online. Please feel free to consult our web pages and send us an e-mail if you have any questions: [email protected]