The Winter School from the Ecole du Louvre
Journée de rentrée
Mardi 14 janvier 2025 09h45When?
On and off Campus (Paris - Belgium), in person: January 14 – 24, 2025
Overview, key feature and objectives
The Winter School, based on the same concept as a Summer School, is an intensive educational program that is organized in Paris (France) and offered in English.
A long time an instrument in the hands of art historians researching the History of collecting and of ownership of the most valued art objects, Provenance research has become in the last decade a tool and a method used by museums and heritage institutions worldwide and applied to all kind of collections. Issues such as authenticity and asserted ownership have been renewed and challenged by major ethical and historical questions related to the political and cultural contexts in which collections, mainly in Western countries, have been acquired, interpreted and displayed.
The Ecole du Louvre has taken stock of this emerging significant trend in museums and heritage practices and, consequently, has developed the first and still only interdisciplinary full MA program degree in France and now, a Winter School.
Key features and objectives include:
The main objective is to equip a new generation of museum and heritage professionals with a comprehensive set of tools and body of knowledge relating specifically to collecting art objects, ensuring their lawful circulation and transfer, studying their archives and documentation and, ultimately, fostering robust scientific responses to issues and challenges – including ethical issues- posed by the global context.
The other global objectives are :
- Intensive learning: allows participants to deepen their knowledge in a specific field over a short period of time.
- Skills enhancement: ideal for acquiring or strengthening specific skills, whether academic, professional, or personal.
- Networking: this short intensive program will attract participants from a variety of backgrounds, offering unique opportunities to network with peers, teachers and industry professionals.
- Exploring new subjects : allows participants to explore areas they might not have the opportunity to study during their university year.
Maximum number of participants : 15
This introductory level program offers an overall view of provenance research. It is suitable for students and young professionals initiated in art history and/or law, both in museums, international institutions and on the art market.
The program also welcomes applicants with experience in the field, who are seeking to refresh their skills, and to gain concrete real-life applications.
This is an accredited program. Number of ECTS (European Credits Transfer system) : 6.
Students seeking credit are encouraged to consult their home institution to validate credit transfer.
For those who’d like to be assessed, should they provide: Individual summary of the essential elements on one of the topics covered in the intensive program, with additional research.
Fees and funding
The fee for this program is : 1500 euros.
When your application is accepted, a mail will be sent to your email address to explain the process of payment.
How to apply?
To apply to the Winter School, please complete the online form below.
By December 1st, 2024, you will need to provide:
- An up-to-date Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- A short cover letter (1 page maximum)
A swift reply will be given by December 5th, 2024.
9:45 am
- Introduction to the Winter School by Ms. Claire Barbillon, Director of the Ecole du Louvre
- Welcome coffee
10:00 am-12:00 pm
- Presentation of Provenance Research curriculum within the core curriculum of the Ecole du Louvre, by Ms. Isabelle Anatole-Gabriel and Ms. Anne-Solène Rolland.
- Introduction to the Winter School: organization, schedule, field trips
- Students’ introduction round
2:00-4:00 pm
- General introduction:
- Definition and History of the notion of Provenance, by Ms. Catherine Chevillot
- Issues at stake with Provenance research in museum institutions, by Ms. Isabelle Anatole-Gabriel and Ms. Catherine Chevillot
5:00-6:30 pm
- The Counterfeit issue
- Visit at the Rodin Museum
9:30-11:00 am
- Cultural looting during World War II
11:00 am-12:30 pm
- Cultural Looting in Europe: Presentation by Vienna Museums of the Gurlitt cases (ZOOM)
2:30-4:30 pm
9:30-11:30 am
- Visit of Orsay Museum
2:00-4:00 pm
- Visit of the Greek, Etruscan and Roman Antiquities of the Louvre Museum
4:30-5:30 pm
- Wrap-up session
9:30-11:30 am
- Fighting illicit trafficking of archeological goods
11:30 am-1:00 pm
Methodology of provenance research: data management and digital tools
3:00-5:00 pm
Human remains & sacred objects: Policies of care and repatriation
- Human remains
- Sacred objects
9:30-11.30 am
- Visit of Guimet Museum
2:00-4:00 pm
- Visit of the Musée de l’Homme
9:30-11:30 am
Provenance and memory: the role of the Archives
2:00-4:00 pm
Museum and restitution
By Ms. Catherine Chevillot
9:30-11:30 am
- Study case: Musée du Quai Branly - Jacques Chirac
1:30-3.30 pm
- War-takings and political agreements
4:00-5:00 pm
- Wrap-up session
1-day visit to Brussels at Musée royal de l’Afrique centrale (AfricaMuseum)
By the director of AfricaMuseum
2:00pm – 4:00 pm
- Welcome coffee
Final round table: Provenance as an ethical, diplomatic and political question: the way forward
With Ms. Isabelle Anatole-Gabriel, Ms. Catherine Chevillot, and Ms. Anne-Solène Rolland.