Vue de la façade de l'École du Louvre


Choosing the École du Louvre to organize your event means benefiting from an exceptional cultural venue right in the heart of Paris.

The École du Louvre, an exceptional venue for your events

Located in the very heart of the Palais du Louvre, the École benefits from a privileged location as close as possible to the works and monuments of Paris.

Installed since 1972 in the Aile de Flore of the Palais du Louvre, the École was refurbished in 1997 by architect Antoine Stinco during work on the Grand Louvre. 
More recently, new spaces were inaugurated, redesigned by Heleen Hart, Grand Prix du jury d'architecture 2021.

More modern, better adapted to contemporary lifestyles but still housed in their historic setting, the École du Louvre's spaces will enable you to create your own experience in an ideal setting for professional events.


Choosing the École du Louvre to organize your event means benefiting from an exceptional cultural venue in the heart of Paris.

It also means giving yourself the opportunity to organize exclusive events in a remarkable location: take advantage of our fully equipped amphitheaters and lecture halls for your symposiums, seminars or conferences. 
Our open spaces (hall, cafeteria) can accommodate your breakfasts, cocktails, sit-down dinners, etc.


Choosing the École du Louvre for your event will also enable you to:

  • strengthen your image by associating yourself with a French academic and cultural institution;
  • unite your teams during seminars, conferences, etc.
  • implement marketing operations aimed at your various customers, employees, shareholders...
  • invest in and for the talents of the École du Louvre;
  • participate in the development of a public higher education institution's own resources;
  • become a committed player in teaching, research and support for future players in the cultural world.


Privatization of the École du Louvre's spaces may be subject to compensation granted within the framework of a partnership agreement.


The École du Louvre cannot host family events (weddings, birthdays, etc.), nor dance parties.

Priority will always be given to students and the teaching provided to them.

Spaces at the École du Louvre


Étudiants dans un amphithéâtre

Rohan Amphitheatre

Designed to host courses and conferences, the Amphithéâtre Rohan features a projection system and a fixed screen.

It has 600 seats, including several adapted for people with reduced mobility, and is equipped with a magnetic loop.
It is located in the heart of the Carrousel du Louvre.

Opened in 1994, by architects Daniel Kahane and Guy Nicot, it was refurbished in 2014 by architect Étienne Dufaÿ.

Hall École du Louvre

Hall Jaujard

The Hall Jaujard, École du Louvre's main reception area, is the school's main thoroughfare. Structured lengthwise, it can be fully or partially privatized, to host cocktails and breakfasts.

Vue de la cafétéria


The École du Louvre cafeteria, popular with students, adjoins the Jaujard hall, enlarging the reception area and offering views of the Carrousel garden on one side and the Seine on the other. Renovated in 2021-2022, it benefited from the same work campaign as the library.


The Flore wing features various amphitheaters.

Dedicated to presentations and conferences, the amphitheaters offer spaces with seating for 110 to 180 and the necessary projection equipment.
They benefit from a studious atmosphere. Located at the heart of the École du Louvre, they benefit from its infrastructure and advantageous location.

Amphithéâtre Michel-Ange

Michelangelo Amphitheatre

The Michelangelo Amphitheatre has 180 seats, some of which are adapted for people with reduced mobility, and is equipped with a magnetic loop.

The Michelangelo Amphitheatre is equipped with a magnetic loop.

Amphithéâtre Cézanne

Cézanne Amphitheatre

The Cézanne amphitheatre has 166 seats, some of which are adapted for people with reduced mobility, and is equipped with a magnetic loop.

The amphitheatre is equipped with a magnetic loop.

Amphithéâtre Goya

Goya Amphitheatre

The Goya amphitheatre has 140 seats, some of which are adapted for people with reduced mobility, and is equipped with a magnetic loop.

The Goya amphitheatre is equipped with a magnetic loop.

Amphithéâtre Dürer

Dürer Amphitheatre

The Dürer amphitheatre has 113 seats, some of which are adapted for the mobility-impaired, and is equipped with a magnetic loop.

The Dürer amphitheatre has 113 seats, some of which are adapted for the mobility-impaired.


The École du Louvre's classrooms offer modular spaces with seating for 20 to 70. 
Located in the same wing as the lecture halls (Flore wing), they also benefit from the École's infrastructure and advantageous location.

Salle de cours Imhotep

Imhotep Room

The Imhotep classroom has 70 seats.

Salle de cours Nara

Nara Hall

The Nara classroom has 39 seats.

Amphithéâtre Angkor

Angkor rooms

The Angkor classroom has 38 seats.

Salle de cours Délos

Délos Hall

The Délos classroom seats 30.

Salle de cours Lascaux

Lascaux Hall

The Lascaux classroom seats 25.

Salle de cours Mondrian

Mondrian Hall

The Mondrian classroom seats 25.

Salle de cours Carasso

Salle Carasso

The Carasso classroom has 18 seats.

It has benefited from the patronage of the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation.

Salle de cours Chatelain

Salle Chatelain

The Chatelain classroom has 15 seats.


Noémie Husson

Communications Officer

[email protected]