Étudiants dans un amphithéâtre

Apprenticeship tax and contributors

Companies can choose to support the École du Louvre through the taxe d'apprentissage (apprenticeship tax), which each company pays to finance the development of vocational education and training.

Apprenticeship tax

The apprenticeship tax is a tax paid by companies, to finance the development of vocational education and training. Each company liable for the tax is free to choose the beneficiary educational establishment for part of its tax.

You can therefore freely lend your support to the École du Louvre, by allocating to it the benefit of the apprenticeship tax you have to pay.

For 2023, how to pay the apprenticeship tax?

In 2023, the methods for collecting and distributing the balance of the apprenticeship tax are changing. Until September 6, 2023, you can connect to the SOLTéA platform, to allocate a payment to benefit the École du Louvre.

Connect to the Soltéa platform


How do I find the École du Louvre on the SOLTéA platform?

1 - Once logged in, click on the "Search établissement" tab to find us via our Siret number (197 546 872 00015), our UAI number (0753489K) or our name "ÉCOLE DU LOUVRE",

2 - Once on the établissement card, you can allocate all or part of the apprenticeship tax balance you paid via your April DSN to L'École du Louvre.

A confirmation message will inform you that your allocation has been taken into account.

List of contributors

Géode Sécurité
Global Art Services Globart
Global service Delomme
Grahal(Groupe de recherche art histoire architecture et littérature)
Groupe Marc de Lacharrière
Horus Finance
Idex Energie
INRAP (Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives)
Jacob I
Jean Vinchon Numismatique
JVS Adix
Lebeurrier Daniel
Librairie Galignani
LMC France
LP Art
Maison A. Buvelot
La Monnaie de Paris
Montmorency Investissement
MTI France
Murielle Laporte
New Scala Editions
Opera print
Ouest Bureau
Piasa Financière
Pleyon System EURL
Prelle et compagnie SA
Cabinet d'expertise Prevost
Provost distribution
Reed organisation France
Renaud Giquello et associés
Réunion des musées nationaux-Grand Palais
Royale évènements
Société des transports Monin
Sotheby's France S.A.S.
Soudax équipements
Sp. renovation
Tassinari et Chatel


Arvor Enchères
Agence France Muséums
ALB Antiquités-Galerie Antoine Broccardo
André Chenue S.A.
Archipel studio
Ariodante Architectes
Arts of Australia-Stéphane Jacob
Arvor Enchères
Audap & Mirabaud
AZ Corporations
Bernard Rullière
Berty et compagnie
Binoche et Giquello
Boscher signalétique et image
Bullit Studio
Cabinet Christian Tourret
Capital Sécurité
Chaine thermale du soleil
Christie's France
Christie's France SNC
Commissaires-priseurs Multimédia
Cabinet Duthoit
Editions Norma
Entwistle France
Eric Gizard et associés
Eric Landau S.A.
Fage Editions
Fimalac investissements
France Printemps
Fremontier antiquaires
Galerie Chevalier
Galerie Daniel Templon
Galerie François Leage
Hopkins Custot Gallery
Jacques Leegenhoek Gallery
Jean Fournier Gallery
Galerie J. Kugel
Galerie Nathalie Motte
Galerie Paris Beijing
Galerie Paul Prouté
Galerie Paul Prouté
Galerie Stéphane Jacob
Galerie Terrades
Galerie Zurcher