Patrons' wall

Mr Majid Boustany
Majid Boustany, founder and chairman of the Francis Bacon MB Art Foundation is the patron of the École du Louvre 2021-2022 operation, an ambitious program of works on the site of the Flore wing of the Palais du Louvre, involving:
- The restructuring and extension of the library, to provide students and teachers with a new place of study adapted to the issues of today and tomorrow.
- The creation of a research center to reinforce the scientific research work carried out within the higher education establishment by nearly 80 PhD students, and to provide the school with a dedicated structure for hosting national and international researchers.
- The refurbishment of documentary and IT services.
Nearly 1,300 square meters have been renovated, thanks to this exceptional patronage, to contribute to the development and influence of the École du Louvre.
In 2023 this patronage was extended by the donation of new works of art installed in the hall of the Flore wing:
Pi baroco n°2 bleu, 1=45° (2001) by François Morellet, and La Marseillaise (1997) by César.

The Culture & Diversity Foundation
The Culture & Diversity Foundation, chaired by Marc Ladreit de Lacharrière, has been a partner of the École du Louvre's "Equal Opportunity" program since 2006, born of the desire to democratize access to museum and heritage professions.
Schoolchildren's awareness of heritage and preparation for the entrance exam to the École du Louvre
Scholarship students who have chosen the "History of the Arts" option are supported throughout their three years of high school, to give them every chance of entering the École du Louvre. They benefit from information on the professions, meetings with professionals, and visits to several major heritage sites guided by École du Louvre students. The most motivated high school students are then selected to take part in the "Equal Opportunity" course, intensive preparation for the entrance exam to the École. - Accompaniment of students admitted to the École du Louvre, tutoring and housing assistance
Students in the program admitted to the École are tutored, art history books are loaned to them, and scholarship students from the regions benefit from housing in partner hostels of the Fondation Culture & Diversité.

The Malatier-Jacquet Foundation sheltered by the Fondation de France
Collector, scholar and a key figure in the art world, Jacques Malatier (1926-2017) amassed an exceptional collection over thirty years, which was dispersed in 2017 for the benefit of La Fondation de France, which created a Foundation bearing his name from within its ranks.
The Foundation's mission is to restore and refurbish the Château de Versailles and the Château de Chambord, award scholarships to French students designated by the Foundation's Executive Committee, and finance scholarly publications in art, history and science, in conjunction with the CNRS and CNL.
The Fondation Malatier-Jacquet has been a patron of the École du Louvre since 2019, as part of the development of international mobility initiatives, and for three years has offered five scholarships (5,000 euros) enabling selected students to finance a study and research stay or internship abroad.
Given the proven usefulness of these scholarships, the Foundation has decided to renew its support for three years, and to double the number of scholarships, which will number ten from the 2022-2023 academic year.
Meyer Foundation for Cultural and Artistic Development
The Meyer Foundation for cultural and artistic development was born of the desire of its founders, Philippe Meyer (1925-2007) and Vincent Meyer, to create a perennial philanthropic entity with the ambition of supporting projects in the arts, culture and, more generally, knowledge. A family foundation, it is driven by the desire to allocate its donations in particular to the training of young people, through the granting of scholarships.
A loyal supporter of the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris, and the Musée Bonnard, in 2020 the Meyer Foundation became a patron of the École du Louvre, via its Endowment Fund. Over a three-year period, 10 students selected on the basis of academic and social criteria have benefited each year from a life-long scholarship. The first class of Fondation Meyer scholarship recipients was selected in September 2020.
The Fondation Meyer pour le développement culturel et artistique has decided to renew its support for the École by increasing the number of scholarships distributed, from 10 to 12, until 2025.

Francis Bacon MB Art Foundation
The Francis Bacon MB Art Foundation is a non-profit institution dedicated to the study of Francis Bacon's work. It awards grants in three different categories:
- Research: short- or long-term academic on Francis Bacon's work, life and working methods (publications of doctoral theses and other independent research works);
- Support for artists: providing support for emerging artists working in various media in correlation with the Foundation's philosophy;
- And any other type of project related to Francis Bacon.
Within this framework, the Francis Bacon MB Art Foundation awards, every four years, a research grant to a third cycle doctoral student at the École whose work focuses on Francis Bacon or has a direct link with the British artist (comparative study between Bacon and one or more artist(s), thematic studies relating to his work or pictorial practice...). A research project that can be extended and problematized around multidisciplinary issues such as literature, decorative arts, cinema and photography, in relation to Francis Bacon.
Scholarship 2016
"From library to lived experience: a reading of the iconographic territory of Francis Bacon's work"
by Milan Garcin (École du Louvre/Université de Paris Nanterre).
Scholarship 2020
"Francis Bacon and the Paris collections"
by Cerise Thelwall Doussot (École du Louvre/Université de Neuchatel).

The Academy of Fine Arts
The Académie des beaux-arts is one of the five academies that make up the Institut de France otherwise made up of the Académie française, the Académie des Sciences, the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres and the Académie des Sciences morales et politiques. Its mission is to "Contribute to the defense and illustration of France's artistic heritage, as well as to its development, while respecting the pluralism of expression".
In order to fulfill its mission of supporting creation, the Académie des beaux-arts pursues a patronage policy in a variety of forms in France and abroad: awarding numerous prizes to new and established artists, organizing competitions, financing artistic residencies, and granting aid to artistic projects, events or associations. It also maintains an active policy of partnerships with a large network of cultural institutions and patrons.
Sensitive to the École du Louvre's actions in favor of equal opportunity, such as the opening of the Student House and the introduction of living scholarships, and in response to the expression of a growing need for financial support for the youngest and most fragile students, the Académie des beaux-arts offered its support to provide 10 living scholarships, notably to first-year students hosted at the Student House, for the 2022-2023 academic year and is renewing this support for the 2023-2024 year.

Etrillard Foundation
The Fondation Etrillard highlights the relevance of our European cultural heritage in the contemporary world, by participating in the preservation of exceptional sites, encouraging the transmission of knowledge and supporting cultural rediscovery, thus fostering creativity and audacity in the service of emotion and sharing. Headquartered in Geneva, the Fondation Etrillard is a family foundation governed by a Franco-Swiss board of trustees.
As part of its patronage activities, the Foundation supports the rediscovery of works, artistic currents and musical repertoires that are little known to the public. It encourages the transmission of sometimes neglected knowledge and skills, notably by awarding doctoral research grants in various fields, from art history to music.
Together with the École du Louvre, since 2021 the Fondation Etrillard has been supporting, via the Endowment Fund, original research devoted to the links and correspondences between the arts of the past and the arts of the present, through a grant awarded to a postgraduate student during his or her three-year thesis.
As well as funding this doctoral scholarship, the Etrillard Foundation also supports a "life scholarship" to help students complete their undergraduate studies in conditions conducive to their success.

La France Mutualiste corporate foundation
La France Mutualiste is a mutual insurance and savings consultancy group that has developed from the outset around servicemen and women, their families and loved ones. Created in 2012, its corporate foundation's mission is to support and develop actions linked to the preservation and transmission of memory, more particularly aimed at younger generations "so that everyone can look forward to tomorrow without forgetting yesterday".
It is in this capacity that the Fondation d'entreprise La France Mutualiste has become a patron of the École du Louvre, via its Endowment Fund, with the launch of 3 annual scholarships (2020, 2021 and 2022) aimed at students studying military heritage and archaeology in undergraduate or postgraduate courses. Indeed, the École du Louvre has been the only French higher education institution to offer a complete, degree-granting course on the subject since 1980, a curriculum also open to free auditors.
The first winners of the 3 Fondation d'entreprise La France Mutualiste life scholarships were selected, based on academic and social criteria, in September 2020.
The Fondation La France Mutualiste has decided to continue its support of the École du Louvre by once again offering 3 scholarships a year to undergraduate or graduate students studying heritage and military archaeology, until 2026.

Crédit Agricole d'Île-de-France Patronage
The two missions of the Crédit Agricole IDF Mécénat Jeunes Talents et Patrimoine endowment fund are to preserve the heritage of the Île-de-France region and to support excellent young talent. Ten years after its creation, the endowment fund has already supported over 110 projects and hundreds of young curators, restorers, artists, researchers and athletes in the Paris region.
Since 2022, the Crédit Agricole IDF Mécénat Jeunes Talents et Patrimoine endowment fund has been a patron of the École du Louvre, offering 4 scholarships a year to 4 Master 1 students working on heritage in the Paris region. The aim is to enable deserving students with the greatest need to benefit from financial support, while promoting research into the heritage of the Île-de-France region and enhancing the value of this heritage.
By nature linked to its region, the Crédit Agricole IDF Mécénat Jeunes Talents et Patrimoine endowment fund supports more than 1.6 million customers on a daily basis: individuals, professionals, SMEs, major corporations, associations and public authorities. Its ambition is always to be useful to its region, on the one hand through its role as a major economic player, and on the other through the ongoing support of local initiatives by its 52 Local Banks.

The Gandur Foundation for Art
The Gandur Foundation for Art was created in 2010 by Jean-Claude Gandur to make his internationally renowned collections accessible to a wide audience. Based in Geneva (Switzerland) and recognized as a public utility, the Foundation is dedicated to preserving, documenting, enriching and exhibiting its collections in renowned institutions in Switzerland and abroad.
The Foundation also supports higher education and research in art history and museology, through scholarships for Masters or PhDs for talented students whose research themes overlap with the works in the collection.
In 2021, the Fondation Gandur pour l'Art has decided to support young art history researchers at the École du Louvre by offering 4 scholarships for 4 selected students in their first year of graduate studies (M1), all courses combined.
These scholarships will be extended to the same students for their second year of graduate studies (M2).
In 2023, the Fondation Gandur pour l'Art has decided to renew this sponsorship and is now offering 5 scholarships (5,000 euros) to graduate students, designed to follow them for 2 years. A fund reserved for emergency aid has also been set up for the most precarious students in need of one-off assistance.

The Marc de Montalembert Foundation
The Fondation Marc de Montalembert sheltered at the Fondation de France, created in 2001, promotes dialogue between Mediterranean cultures: it supports the realization of cultural projects by young people in the region and hosts intercultural encounters at its headquarters in Rhodes, Greece.
The Fondation Marc de Montalembert, in collaboration with the École du Louvre since 2021, wished to support the completion of a research project that contributes to a better understanding of the arts and culture of the Mediterranean world, through the Prix Marc de Montalembert.
The winner receives a grant of 9,000 euros and is hosted for one month at the École du Louvre Research Center.
He is also accompanied for one year by the scientific advice of a member of the research team. The results of the research are published and disseminated with the support of the École du Louvre.
The Marc de Montalembert Foundation also offers the winner the opportunity to stay at its headquarters in Rhodes, Greece.
The winner of the Prix Marc de Montalembert 2024 is Alessandro Serrani. The Prize supports his research on "Work and art. Professional guilds in the Bolognese Renaissance" at the University of Bologna (Italy).

The Simone and Cino Del Duca Foundation at the Institut de France
Created in 1975 by Simone Del Duca as a tribute to her husband, patron of the arts and major newspaper publisher, the Simone and Cino Del Duca Foundation, has been housed at the Institut de France since 2005. Its aim is to promote the arts, letters and sciences in France and abroad.
In 2022, the Foundation has chosen the École du Louvre to provide scholarship support for 3 students specializing in the History of Cinema. The aim of these scholarships is to enable students with limited financial resources to devote themselves to their studies in a very specific field, with complete peace of mind.
Clarence Westbury Foundation
Sponsored by the Fondation de France, the Clarence Westbury Foundation supports projects in various fields of general interest: culture, and more specifically modern and contemporary art, social action as well as medical research.
The Clarence Westbury Foundation was created in 2000 under the aegis of the Fondation de France, at the initiative of Jacques Boissonnas, entrepreneur and art enthusiast. This foundation is part of a strong family tradition of commitment and patronage, particularly in the field of modern and contemporary art, in France and abroad.
Reflecting its founder's attachment to culture and art, the Clarence Westbury Foundation particularly supports modern and contemporary art, and in particular the building of collections within museums dedicated to it. It is also active in the field of social action, supporting the care of vulnerable children and adolescents. Lastly, the foundation funds medical research, bringing particular attention to cancer research.
As a patron of the École du Louvre in 2021 via its Endowment Fund, the Clarence Westbury Foundation finances life scholarships for first-year students every year.
Foundation for Art and Research
Sheltered by the Fondation pour la Sauvegarde de l'Art Français, the Foundation pour l'Art et la Recherche, created in 1963, has as its mission to encourage the study, protection, enhancement and influence of France's artistic heritage, notably through actions aimed at promoting and disseminating art history in society, in particular through the publication of research work and participation in projects designed to facilitate access to knowledge of heritage for new audiences. It is also active in other areas of culture, such as support for artistic creation and education.
Each year, the Prix Jean-Pierre Germot is awarded to the École du Louvre's best doctoral student, selected by a jury. This aid enables the winning researcher to complete his or her doctoral thesis in the best possible conditions.
As part of a partnership, the Fondation pour l'Art et la Recherche has also launched the Prix des meilleurs mémoires de recherche de l'École du Louvre, which rewards two research dissertations per year with the aim of facilitating their publication and dissemination.

The French Federation of Lyceum Club International
The Fédération Française du Lyceum Club International, founded in 1963, is part of the international association of Lyceum Clubs. Reserved for women interested in the arts, letters, sciences, social issues, progress and the promotion of knowledge, in a spirit of friendship and openness to the world, the clubs organize a variety of cultural and social activities and outings. To honor its vocation of promoting Culture and Knowledge, the Lyceum Club International (LCI) regularly sets up sponsorship or support actions with the institutions concerned.
This desire for support coincides with the École du Louvre's projects in favor of equal access to its higher education and research in Art History, and success for all.
As such, the Federation has become a patron of the establishment and will offer one 2nd or 3rd cycle student a scholarship each year for three years, with a view to facilitating research linking art history, the history of collections or museology with the question of the feminine in the broadest sense, from 2022-2023 to 2024-2025.

Per Fumum Endowment Fund
Named Per Fumum after the perfumes that leave their wake when they evaporate, the Fonds de Dotation Per Fumum, created in 2019 by Francis Kurkdjian, was born of his sincere desire to turn the heritage of perfume into a footprint, a heritage and a support to see far ahead and get moving. Thus, the Per Fumum Endowment Fund's purpose in France and abroad is to preserve and enhance France's tangible and intangible olfactory heritage, to support and promote contemporary artistic creation in connection with perfume, to organize and support educational and social actions in connection with perfume, in particular for the benefit of underprivileged audiences or those with little exposure, and finally to organize and support scientific research related to perfume and the sense of smell.
It is in this context, that the Per Fumum Endowment Fund has decided to support a doctoral research grant focusing on perfumery to a postgraduate student at the Ecole du Louvre.
Fondation Louis Le Masson et François Masson, Académie des beaux-arts, Institut de France
Sheltered by the Académie des beaux-arts, the Fondation Louis Le Masson et François Masson was created in 2023 in memory of these two brothers, respectively architect-engineer and sculptor at the end of the XVIIIe century. Its purpose is to support artistic creation and access to culture and art through the award of scholarships, support for researcher residencies and the organization of prizes.
The Fondation Louis Le Masson et François Masson has decided to award two living scholarships for École du Louvre students in financial difficulty during the 2023-2024 academic year.
Paris + by Art Basel
The École du Louvre has been a partner of contemporary creation since 2022, joining forces with Paris + par Art Basel, a major modern and contemporary art fair in Paris, and its public program, which presents a range of works by both emerging and established artists, and engages in a reflection on the place of art in urban space. As part of this event and partnership, an educational mediation exercise is offered to students at the École du Louvre. For the 2023 edition, some thirty works of art were presented and commented on daily by young art historians from the École du Louvre.
In continuation of this project and in support of the École's students, Paris + par Art Basel wished to provide financial assistance by offering two living grants, in addition to the educational activities devised in partnership with the École du Louvre.